G’day Tribers…

I get asked a lot about chakras and what they are. So I have written an article that tries to explain it in laymen’s terms for everyone.

The chakras are a series of energy centres located within the human body. There are seven main chakras, and each one is associated with a specific area of the body and a specific colour. Here is a list of the seven chakras, along with their associated colours and locations in the body:

To open the chakras, some people practice meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices that involve focusing on each chakra and envisioning it opening and becoming more balanced. Others may use crystals, sound therapy, or other techniques to help open and balance the chakras.

It is believed that when the chakras are open and balanced, a person may experience improved physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. However, it is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of the chakras or the benefits of chakra balancing.

As a man in my mid 50’s and someone who cares deeply about the well-being of others, I understand the challenges and changes that come with this stage of life. That’s why I want to talk to you today about the chakras, and how they can be a helpful tool in finding balance and harmony in your life.

But first, let’s define exactly what the chakras are.

The chakras are a series of energy centres located within the human body.

There are seven main chakras, and each one is associated with a specific area of the body and a specific colour. It is believed that when the chakras are open and balanced, a person may experience improved physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Now, let’s take a look at each chakra in more detail:

Root chakra (Muladhara)
Located at the base of the spine
Colour: Red
Responsible for feelings of stability, security, and grounding
Age range: Birth to age 7
Associated crystals: Red jasper, black tourmaline, hematite
Activities that may be beneficial: Yoga, meditation, spending time in nature

Sacral chakra (Svadhishthana)
Located in the lower abdomen
Colour: Orange
Responsible for feelings of creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being
Age range: Ages 7 to 14
Associated crystals: Carnelian, moonstone, amber
Activities that may be beneficial: Dance, art, journaling

Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)
Located in the upper abdomen
Colour: Yellow
Responsible for feelings of personal power, self-esteem, and self-discipline
Age range: Ages 14 to 21
Associated crystals: Citrine, tiger’s eye, gold calcite
Activities that may be beneficial: Exercise, setting goals and working towards them, practicing affirmations

Heart chakra (Anahata)
Located in the centre of the chest
Colour: Green
Responsible for feelings of love, compassion, and connection with others
Age range: Ages 21 to 28
Associated crystals: Jade, rose quartz, green aventurine
Activities that may be beneficial: Spending time with loved ones, volunteering, practicing acts of kindness

Throat chakra (Vishuddha)
Located in the throat
Colour: Blue
Responsible for communication, self-expression, and truthfulness
Age range: Ages 28 to 35
Associated crystals: Lapis lazuli, aquamarine, turquoise
Activities that may be beneficial: Singing, public speaking, journaling

Third Eye chakra (Ajna)
Located in the forehead between the eyebrows
Colour: Indigo
Responsible for intuition, wisdom, and perception
Age range: Ages 35 to 42
Associated crystals: Amethyst, sodalite, purple fluorite
Activities that may be beneficial: Meditation, visualisation, dream journaling

Crown chakra (Sahasrara)
Located at the top of the head
Colour: Violet or white
Responsible for spiritual connection and enlightenment
Age range: Ages 42 to 49
Associated crystals: Clear quartz, selenite, diamond
Activities that may be beneficial: Meditation, yoga, spiritual practices

I hope this overview of the chakras has been helpful and informative. Remember, it’s never too late to start working on yourself.

Why is is important to open each Chakra and the best way to start?

It is believed that by focusing on opening and balancing the chakras, a person can improve their overall physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each chakra is associated with specific areas of the body, emotions, and behaviors, and it is thought that by working on these areas, a person can experience more balance and harmony in their life.

There is no one “right” way to work on the chakras, and different approaches may work better for different people. Some people may find it helpful to focus on one chakra at a time, starting from the root chakra and working their way up to the crown chakra. Others may prefer to focus on the chakras that are most imbalanced for them, regardless of their position in the body. It may also be helpful to work on multiple chakras at the same time, as they are interconnected and can affect one another.

Some activities that may be helpful in opening and balancing the chakras include meditation, yoga, journaling, spending time in nature, using crystals, and participating in creative or expressive activities. It is also important to pay attention to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and to make self-care a priority.

It’s also worth noting that it is important to approach the chakras with an open and curious mindset, rather than trying to “fix” or “heal” anything. The goal is not to achieve perfection, but rather to find balance and harmony within yourself.

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