A Welcoming Chat

🌿 Transformational Inner Growth Coaching: A Free Discovery Session

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your career and personal life? Struggling to find time for family or detach from work stress? Feeling stuck in your job, fearing industry changes, or losing control of your life’s direction? If these challenges resonate with you, you’re not alone.

Our unique service is designed to help you navigate these struggles and find balance, peace, and renewed purpose. We understand your unique challenges and are here to help.

Why You’ll Love This Session

  • Expert Guidance: Connect with a Certified Transformational Inner Growth Coach.
  • Personal Power: Learn to live in your own personal power.
  • Stress Management: Discover techniques to detach from work and life stress.
  • Inner Peace: Rediscover inner peace and happiness.
  • Work-Life Balance: Create more meaningful family time and have guilt-free fun again.
  • Resilience: Build resilience against industry changes and empower yourself to thrive both personally and professionally.

What to Expect

  • Comfort & Connection: A relaxed session where you can be yourself.
  • Insightful Learning: Gain a deeper understanding of your ego, identity, limited mindset, and the authentic you.

How to Book

Ready to take the first step towards a more balanced and fulfilling life? Click the link below to book your free session. 

Your Privacy Matters

Your personal details are safe with us. This session is purely for connection and understanding your needs.

Ready to transform your life? We can’t wait to meet you!

Best, The Intrinsic Living Family 🌱💖

Read the FAQs or book your session below

After you book your FREE DISCOVERY CALL, we'll send you a Zoom Meeting link via email (please check your spam/promotions folders).
Just click on the link at the start of the meeting time. We’ll meet for 30 minutes.

I’ll ask you a few questions, like How did you discover us?, what are you interested in discovering etc... for the first few minutes.
We'll chat and learn about each other. Then, for the last part, you’ll receive a mini EPT session on whatever topic you’d like.

We'll do 2 to 3 rounds of EPT. You'll walk away feeling calmer and clearer, with a stress relief tool that you can use anytime. (Yes, things can shift that quickly.)

Yes, 100% free, no steak knives or sales pitches, you may like to subscribe to our communications however that's your choice, It's optional.
This offer isn’t to quietly slip in a plug for paid services. It's a fun opportunity to connect and support each other. We only discuss money and other services if you bring it up.

If you felt some inspiration from our session and would like to work with us, we can schedule a service from our service page on the website. Again it's win/win and no stressful encounters. Our mantra is live Intrinsically.

You just need a calm space, a good internet connection, a computer with working sound and a microphone.
Most laptops come with this standard. I'll guide you on the rest, it's about a fun discovery with a purpose.

Hot Tip:- Let everyone know you need 30 minutes of YOU time and have a comfortable chair or sitting at your desk works fine.

Headphones are great if you have them, they help block out background noise, so that you can focus on the session. They are not necessary.
Bring some good old H2O for hydration and be open minded.

Emotional Processing Technique or EPT is a stress relief technique.
The concept of emotion processing has its roots in psychology and neuroscience, while focusing on the cause of the stress, calms the mind, reduces anxiety and relieves pain.

Stress is linked to negative emotions, limiting beliefs and physical ailments.

Absolutely YES it's private, and NO we do not share it.
We chat, we learn, we discover and then we finish on an exercise based on your chosen topic around emotions.
You are very safe and no personal information is retained or used.